School starts in less than a week, and I'm trying to get myself motivated. So here is a Top 10 list of the "perks" of being a 36 year-old student...
10) I'm old enough to be my own room mom, and I make darn good brownies.
9) I married a math wiz, so I don't have to mow lawns to make extra money for tutoring.
8) I can refer to most of my professors as "Kiddo", "Sonny" or "Squirt".
7) I'll never be hung over at an early morning class.
6) Unlike when I was in school as a kid, they now have hot pink laptops that I can decorate with my own bling.
5) I don't have to care about getting in good with the popular girls.
4) I do my own laundry, so I don't have to get all bent out of shape because my mom forgot to iron my pants.
3) I don't have to experience the angst of having to decide between the Hello Kitty or Wonder Woman backpack.
2) I'm not forced to eat gelatinous salisbury steak & room-temperature milk for lunch.
And the #1 reason why going back to school at 36 is kinda cool....
1) I have kids & a husband who'll clap for me and say "Yay!" when I get an A on a test.
I love it!!!