Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Random observations...and back to school

At Panera...
   When we are in a place with such close confines, such as Panera or Starbucks, your "just between us" phone conversation is now between you, Jim in the accounting department, and me.  And for the record, I'm pretty sure Jim can sense your condescending tone, so he's probably not in any hurry whatsoever to hit that deadline for your important meeting this afternoon, and will most likely be on the golf course.

On my street...
   I think it's really cool that the older guy down the street has lost quite a bit of weight & is getting into shape by jogging every night.  What's NOT cool is that he thinks he is in good enough shape to do it shirtless and in spandex shorts.

In my living room...
   Kids are smart & pick up stuff we never think about.  My two year-old, Ian, seems to have a new phase every week.  Lately, when one of us is on the phone, he'll stand nearby and repeat every word we say, right after we say it.  I've started calling him "Pete the Repeater".  Also, the other night, Andy was playing poker online & Ian was standing there watching, saying "All in!  All in!".  Andy had to explain to him that you don't go "all in" with a 5-8 offsuit.  Well, unless you are Tom Dwan.

Back to school update...
   So after a 16-year hiatus, a marriage and two kids, this gal is heading back to school in 3 weeks!  Yes, I know it would have been much easier BEFORE the two kids....  Anyway, I'm only taking 2 classes-  English and Math so I don't overload myself right off the bat.  Ivy Tech has a two-year RN program & I'm really looking forward to getting into the nursing field.  Luckily I married a math major so I can get a good deal on tutoring.

Here are some random thoughts/concerns I've had lately...these are the things that run through my head while I'm trying to fall asleep at night:

-Are there going to be a bunch of young bitchy girls there?  If so, I'm going to have to go all "Kathy Bates in Fried Green Tomatoes" on them...

-How much judgement will I receive if I show up with my Barbie lunch box & thermos?  Ok, maybe I'll just stick with my insulated travel coffee mug with Ian's picture on it.

-What is everyone wearing to school now???  I need to find a good balance between the aforementioned bitchy girls and the mom who has a travel mug with her kid's picture on it.  I'm frowning upon anything with the word "juicy" on the butt.

-Are there still dumb jocks who do the "loser sneeze" when a nerdy looking kid walks in?  Good lord...I've been watching WAY too much Glee.

Hey, be a dear and click "share", will ya?  I think only 4 people have read this blog so far;)


  1. I had to comment... as someone that took a mere 6-year hiatus from school, I can understand your concerns. :) Here is what I observed in my recent experience...
    a)Yes, there will be a bunch of young bitchy girls there. However, since we are "older" , they won't mess with you. They are too worried about texting during class and making sure their intentionally messy ponytails complement their "Juicy" sweats and/or shorts.
    b)Feel free to show up with your Barbie lunch box and thermos... as stated above, since we are "older," we don't get much attention paid to us anyway. So, the Barbie lunch box and thermos would be a great conversation starter.
    c)People are wearing ANYTHING to school. Really. You will be fine. However, anything too "dressy" (i.e., heels, excessive jewelry, or cute skirts) might make some people talk. To some, that might be wanted attention. To me, not so much. Me, I stick to jeans and capris and try to blend in to the wall.
    d)Not sure about the dumb jocks, however, there a lot of boys that wear backwards hats with the label still inside the brim...what's up with that? That's new to me.. I sat behind a kid that wore his hat like that in my Anatomy class and I seriously considered tapping him on the shoulder to tell him his tag was still on his hat (I really thought he forgot to take it off!) when I realized that ALL the boys were wearing their hats like that. Huh. I don't get it. (Note to self: Google 'wearing hats with the tag still on them' to figure out wtf?)

    K. Hope that helps ya, woman! And no, I am NOT calling you old...... LOL. We are just definitely not in the 18-24 year old crowd anymore, that's all. Ugh. It's a learning experience in more ways than one, that's for sure! You'll be fine and will have a blast people watching, I guarantee it! :)

  2. Concerning the "jocks" Does Ivy Tech have sports teams............ cough cough

  3. Mel- Funny! Yeah, I'll be going to class & coming home, so I'm not looking to impress anyone...just blending into the wall is fine with me:)

    Kyle- Funny, Doc! sports teams. I was looking on the website though, and they DO have a Respiratory Therapy Club. Not sure what the H that is about- maybe doing charades with a c-pap machine?
